Tuesday, 18 March 2014

New Piercing: A few care tips to consider!

Different kind of piercing requires different care. Oral piercings, private piercings, eyebrow jewellery, nose piercing and new body piercing Jewellery all have their different characteristics and require a different care treatment.

Don’t move the pierced parts too much:

While your body is just settling down with the piercing, make sure that you don’t move that part too much and let it settle down. Moving the fresh piercing body part might make the skin irritated and there are chances it produces rash. If you need to cover up the piercing for some cultural or workplace issues, make sure you protect it safely in a way that it doesn't produce infection within that closed area.

Take time to clean it:

Make sure that the piercing is cleaned up properly two to three times a day initially when it is new. Also, if you can’t clean it up during the working days, set up a proper time and regime to do it over a weekend. Take cotton bud and some saline water and wipe the area till the time it is completely fresh and healed. To make the saline water more effective, use it with the warm water. That way, you don’t have a burning sensation on the wound, if any during piercing.

Consult your doctor:

May it be eyebrow jewellery, nose piercing and new body piercing jewellery or private piercing; when the piercing is new it might ooze some white liquid and swell easily. In such a case do proper take care and clean the part regularly. If there is some bleeding it is normal. However, if the bleeding continues and there is a green, smelly discharge from these parts, make sure you consult your doctor.

If this bleeding persists, there is a requirement of medical intervention to ensure the skin is smooth again and there is no major setback. Normally, all the piercings will undergo healing process in the two stages. The primary healing period takes around a week’s time after which the piercing will appear healed, but it is still fragile. The second stage of the healing is where the piercing will no more be fragile and turn really solid. Once the jewellery is fixed, there are hardly any chances of infection. You surely need to put your eyes open so that if there is any irritation, it can be resolved in time.

Don’t over rub, change or play with it:

If you want to remove the crust, remove it gently don’t over scrub and play with it. If eyebrow jewellery, nose piercing and new body piercing jewellery will be played with while it’s fresh there are chances that the healing process takes time and it becomes more crusty and hurt. It might also make the piercing really lose. Make sure that the jewellery isn't changed during the healing process otherwise; it will create a permanent stretch mark, bleeding spot or hollow skin on the surface.

The next time your jewellery is new, make sure you take care of the piercing with the above mentioned steps and procedures. It will help you heal faster and at the same time allow you to flash your piercing to your friends soon. 


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